The UNESCO chair on ICT in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage is renewal for third time until November 2024. On 22.12.2020 the Rector of UniBIT Prof. Irena Peteva signed a Letter from the Section "Higher Education" of UNESCO for it. The UNESCO chair was established 2012.
The mission of the UNESCO Interdisciplinary Char is to development of academic educational programs in the field of ICT application in library science, education and cultural heritage and implementation of programs for continuing education for librarians, school and university teachers, specialists from cultural institutions (museums, galleries, archives) and others related to cultural heritage.
Tasks and priorities:
- Development of research related to the use of ICT in library science, education and cultural heritage, independently and with partners, and offering innovative methods and policies in this theoretical and applied research area;
- Creation of teaching materials related to ICT in library science, education and cultural heritage, and implementation of curricula for the various levels of university education (bachelors, masters and doctoral students), as well as for researchers and practitioners;
- Stimulating the interaction and establishing cooperation with related national and international institutions for exchange of students and teachers, leading experts and researchers;
- Creating a platform for the exchange of ideas, resources and good practices, as well as a virtual scientific and professional community to share experience in the application of ICT in library science, education and cultural heritage.
Development of educational and training programs in the field of ICT in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage (including e-learning and lifelong learning programs) for citizens, e.g. pre- and in-service ICT training for librarians, school and university teachers, professionals from cultural institutions (museums, galleries, archives etc.), heritage conservation professionals, etc.
Flayer 2017
The major goals of the UNESCO Chair are to:
- assure a professional level of educators and researchers meeting the requirements of the knowledge based society in an integrated field of ICT, library studies, education, and cultural, material and non-material heritage preservation;
- renew in depth the training system of the SULSIT faculty staff taking into account the diversity and the dynamics in globalization era;
- provide top level education introducing the students to major current issues in library and information science, heritage preservation and providing them with tools to make informed choices regarding existing and emerging practices;
- examine the existing good practices along with the major organizational and intellectual issues being faced on national and international level;
- focus on research and the preparation of PhD students by building bridges of co-operation with foreign scholars;
- support innovations and technology transfer to governmental, nongovernmental and industrial bodies
International Summit on Information Technology in Education (EDUsummIT 2017) Rethinking learning in a digital age
QED'17 UNESCO International Workshop: Children in the Digital Era, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 20-21, 2017