Kovatcheva E., Koleva M. (2021) STEAME Model in Action: Challenges and Solutions in Mastering the Digital Culture,
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97239,
book chapter E-Learning and Digital Education in the Twenty-First Century - Challenges and Prospects [Working Title]
Todorova, Tania. Copyright Literacy – a Component of the Information and Media Literacy. // New Perspectives in Science and Education, 22-23 March 2018, 7th Conference Ed., Florence, Liberariauniversitaria, 2018, pp. 274-278. (SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Research Gate, ACADEMIA.EDU)
Papancheva, R., К. Dimitrova, L. Parijkova, M. Terzieva, E. Dicheva. Development of instrumentary for the research of the effect of technologies and the new media on digital competences, family and childhood of children in pre-school and primary school education. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, Vol. 22. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, March 16 -18. 2018. 341-348.
Textbook "Information Technologies" for the 9th grade
(co-authored by E. Kovacheva, O. Konstantinov, E. Dimitrova and G. Gachev),
2018, Anubis Ltd. (in Bulgarian)
Parijkova, Lubomira, The parents’ role in the formation of reading literacy and digital competencies of children up to 11 years old. // KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, Vol. 22. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, March 16 -18. 2018
Practical Issues of Intelligent Innovations (V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk, Eds.), Springer, Series on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, 2018 (published in May 2018)
Kovatcheva E, M. Koleva, M. Simova, (2018) Experience In Innovation - Action Project,
INTED2018 Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7
Kovatcheva E., Denchev S., Shoikova E., Dimitrov G., Jotsov V, Dimitrov W., Koleva M., Simova M (2018)
Design Thinking in the light of Computer Science Programmes,
In Proceeding ICESD'18: International Conference on Education and Social Development,
Huston, USA, April 6-7, 2018 (in print)
Sgurev, V., V. Piuri, V. Jotsov (Eds.) «Learming Systems from Theory to Practice», Series on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, Springer, Heidelberg, 2018.
Prof. DSc Tania Todorova – Thesis for Doctor of Science Degree on theme “Copyright Literacy of specialists from libraries and other cultural institutions” (February 2018)