H2020 | 2017 |
TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments TETRAMAX, Grant Agreement 761349 Call Reference N°: H2020-ICT-04-2017... |
DigiThink: Design thinking for digital innovation |
2016 to 2018 |
Erasmus + |
Erasmus+ Project DigiThink: Design thinking for digital innovation 2016-1-BG01-KA203-023719
Design thinking crosses the traditional boundaries... |
2016 to 2019 |
Erasmus + |
LMPI: Licence, Master professionnels pour le developpement, l'administration, la gestion, la protection des systemes et reseaux informatiques... |
Project "Innovative services for access to information in public libraries" | 2015 |
Project "Innovative services for access to information in public libraries", РД-00-249/08.12.2014, Foundation “Global libraries” – Bulgaria and... |
APInno - Action Project for Innovation |
2015 to 2016 |
Erasmus + |
Erasmus+ K2: Project APInno: APInno - Action Project for Innovation, № 2014-1-BG01-KA203-001561, 2015-2016 The APInno aims at fostering... |
International Online Survey “Academic Reading – Print vs. electronic documents” | 2015 |
International Online Survey “Academic Reading – Print vs. electronic documents” held in the period March-May 2015 in 25 countries. The survey is... |
Increasing the capacity of the faculty of teaching professionals at Sofia University in the design, conduct and provide quality electronic distance learning | 2015 |
Increasing the capacity of the faculty of teaching professionals at Sofia University in the design, conduct and provide quality electronic... |
International scientific seminar QED'14: The quality of education and the challenges in the digital world | 2015 |
Internal project part-financed by regulation 9: International scientific seminar QED'14: The quality of education and the challenges in the... |
Creation of a common ontology for the objects of cultural heritage | 2014 |
Creation of a common ontology for the objects of cultural heritage
PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan |
2014 to 2016 |
TEMPUS - PICTET 2014-2017 EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan
Project is designed for strengthening of the links... |