eLearning Horizons, Papers of Kazhastan academy of Education
Kovatcheva Е. (2013) eLearning Horizons, Papers of Kazhastan academy of Education – Common Pedagogy and Education pp 53.58 (to appear in Russian Language)
eLearning Horizons, Papers of Kazhastan academy of EducationKovatcheva Е. (2013) eLearning Horizons, Papers of Kazhastan academy of Education – Common Pedagogy and Education pp 53.58 (to appear in Russian Language) |
Open Access to Scientific Information: Comparative study in DOAJTrencheva, T, Todorova, T. Open Access to Scientific Information: Comparative study in DOAJ. // 16th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 23-26th September 2013, Hong Kong, China. In: Library Management Journal, Еmerald, Vol. 35, 4/5. |
Cultural heritage as a factor in the Regional Development of BulgariaNankova, M. Cultural heritage as a factor in the Regional Development of Bulgaria. // Symposium from scientific-practical conference “Contributions of the Regional and Local Authorities to Sustainable Development Strategies”, Committee of the Regions, EU-Brussels, 2013.
Universities in an Electronic Communication EnvironmentNikolov, R (2013) Universities in an Electronic Communication Environment, Science Journal (in Bulgarian language), V1, 2013, pp 15-25 |
The Odrysian KingdomThe Odrysian Kingdom - a Concept of an Interactive Multimedia Application for Educational Purposes, In: Pavlov, R, P. Stanchev (Eds.). Proceedings of Third Int. Conf. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage - DiPP2013, Volume III, September 18-21, 2013, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria |
Universities in an Electronic Communication EnvironmentNikolov, R (2013) Universities in an Electronic Communication Environment, Science Journal (in Bulgarian language), V1, 2013, pp 15-25 |
Visible and Invisible Bulgarian HeritageKovatcheva, Е. (2013) |
A Global Model for Competence Based ICT in Library Studies CourseKovatcheva, E. Shoikova E. and Nikolov, R., (2013), A Global Model for Competence Based ICT in Library Studies Course, in proceeding of European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), |
The implementation of Information Communication Technology for Lifelong Learning in the context of EU 2020Nankova, M. The implementation of Information Communication Technology for Lifelong Learning in the context of EU 2020. // Symposium from the International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, Brussels, 2013.
Visible and Invisible Bulgarian HeritageKovatcheva, E., (2013) Visible and Invisible Bulgarian Heritage (One research under the Bulgarian Heritage published on the Web), in Proceeding of the DiPP2013: 3rd International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 18-21 September, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria |