Todorova, Tania. Library Associations as an Academic Course. // New Perspectives in Science and Education, 6th Conference Ed., Florence, Liberariauniversitaria, 2017, pp. 43-46. (SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Research Gate, ACADEMIA.EDU)
Todorova, Tania (2017). Library Policies. Sofia, Za bukvite-O pismeneh, 192 p. (in Bulgarian)
Trencheva, T., T. Todorova, E. Tsvetkova. Intellectual Property Training of Library and Information Management Bachelor’s Students. In: Information Literacy in the Workplace: 5th European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL): Revised Selected Papers. Eds. by S. Kurbanoğlu et. al., ECIL, Saint-Malo, 2017, Springer, Cham, 2018, рp. 294-302. - (Communication in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 810).
Textbook "Information Technologies" for the 6th grade (co-authored by N. Nikolova, E. Stefanova, O. Konstantinov, D. Petrova and M. Nikolova), 2017, Prosveta - Sofia AD. (in Bulgarian)
Parijkova, L. Research of connection between reading and digital literacy of children up to 11 years old. ICERI2017 Proceedings. 2996-3006, 2017
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Trencheva, Tereza, Tania Todorova and Elisaveta Tsvetkova.
Intellectual Property Training of Library and Information Management Bachelor’s Students. // The Fifth European Conference on Information Literacy “Workplace Information Literacy”, : Book of Abstracts, September 18th-21st, 2017, Saint-Malo, France. Saint-Malo, InLitAs, 2017, p. 137.
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Vasileva, Sofia. Guidance on collection of geographic and archaeological materials by Konstantin Irechek and its importance for laying the basis of a legal system for the preservation and research of the cultural heritage in Bulgaria // The Society of Knowledge and Humanism of the 21st Century.
Parijkova, Lubomira. Context of research in Bulgaria about digital literacy of children at pre-school and primary school age. // Education and Technology. Innovations in teaching and cognitive development. Bourgas, 8/2017, 11-16. (+, e-publication)