
Project: School on the Cloud: connecting education to the Cloud for digital citizenship network
2013 to 2016

Project: School on the Cloud: connecting education to the Cloud for digital citizenship network (SoC), Lifelong Learning, Action Erasmus Networks...

Library, Information and Cultural Management – Academic Summer School 2013

EU-ERASMUS Intensive Programme Library, Information and Cultural Management – Academic Summer School (IP LibCMASS) 2013-ERA-IP-14,...

Cultures, memory, heritage in the region of the southern Bulgarian border
2013 to 2014

Cultures, memory, heritage in the region of the southern Bulgarian border; 2013-2014;
Funded by the National Scientific Fund

Policies for managing cultural heritage - communication and socialization through education
2013 to 2014

Policies for managing cultural heritage - communication and socialization through education; 2013-2014;
Funded by the National Scientific...

2013 to 2016
LLP Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at anytime anywhere


Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at any time anywhere
2013 to 2016

Project: Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at any time anywhere (FETCH), Lifelong Learning, Action Erasmus...

Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University
2013 to 2014

Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University – 2013-2014, Sofia...

2013 to 2016
LLP School on the Cloud:
connecting education to the Cloud for digital citizenship network Project Coordinator: Doukas School, Athens, Greece.


NETT: Networked Entrepreneurship Training of Trainers
2012 to 2014
SMEs and Entrepreneurship

NETT: Networked Entrepreneurship Training of Trainers, EE-74-NETT, SMEs and Entrepreneurship (2012 - 2014)

NETT is a project financed by...

Copyright Policies of libraries and other cultural institutions
2012 to 2016

Scientific project with international participation Copyright Policies of libraries and other cultural institutions (2012-2016), funded by the...