2013 to 2016
Short description: 

Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at anytime anywhere


Project duration: 36 months.

Project Consolidated Budget: 1 127 010 euros

The consortium involves 67 partners from 35 countries: 27 EU countries, 3 EEA countries (Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein), Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia and Albania. The organizations represent 6 types of institutions: University or higher education institution, Research organisation, Company (services), Non-profit non-governmental organisation, SME, Non-profit associations.

Aims & Objectives

The consortium's main aims are the achievement of intelligent growth, and building a knowledge and innovation based computer society through raising the quality of computing education, introducing modern innovative technologies in education, sharing knowledge, discussing methodologies, promoting exchange of good practice between all parties.

Specific project objectives are:

  1. Develop a European Strategic Framework for Computing Education and Training 2020
  2. Develop a European Evaluation Framework in Computing Education and Training 2020
  3. Preparation of recommendations for future digital curricula in Computing Education and Training 2020.
  4. Develop new didactical theories and learning models for using social media education.

There are 9 Work Packages:

  • WP1 Project Management & Coordination
  • WP2 National and European frameworks for development of Higher Education until 2020
  • WP3 European Strategic Framework for Computing Education and Training 2020
  • WP4 European Evaluation Framework in Computing Education and Training
  • WP5 Digital curricula in Computing Education and Training
  • WP6 e-Learning and m-learning in Computing supported by social media
  • WP7 Quality Assurance
  • WP8 Exploitation of Project Results
  • WP9 Dissemination of Project Results

SULSIT participates in the following work packages: WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8 and WP9.

Project type: 
Project coordinator: