
Executing institution:

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) is a unique research and educational interdisciplinary center in Bulgarian context integrating studies in the fields of Library Studies, Information Technologies, Cultural and Historical Heritage.

basic structural unit of SULSIT is the Faculty of Bibliographic Studies, Information Systems and Public Communications, which comprises seven departments: Library and Information Sciences, Library Management, Book and Society, Cultural and Historical Heritage, Information Technologies, Communications and Security and Computer Science. They provide students’ instruction in eight BSc specialties and 14 MSc programs. A structural unit is also the Department of Comprehensive Studies with the Foreign Languages Centre. A new structure will be adopted at SULSIT this year, which will include Faculty of Library Science and Cultural Heritage and Faculty of Information Science, according to the decision of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) from 10 March 2011.

The Interfaculty Chair ICT in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage is the eight department, established as a structural body of SULSIT under a decision of the Academic Council taken on February 28th, 2011 (see the attached document of the Academic Council). The goal of current proposal is to provide sufficient arguments in favor of this chair becoming a UNESCO Chair.

SULSIT is the owner of Erasmus-Extended University Charter for the period of 2007-2013 and is currently involved in projects under Lifelong Learning Programme – the Erasmus Programme of higher education. This is an important mechanism for the real SULSIT integration into the European Higher Education Area.

SULSIT service units are: The Library and Information Centre with the Centre for Career Orientation and Students’ development; the Centre for Continuing Education; the Postgraduate Qualification Centre in the Field of Cultural and Historical Heritage; the Centre for Cultural Memory; the Centre for Security and Protection of Information; the Scientific Research Laboratory for Cyber Security; the Computer Laboratory John Atanasoff; the Research Institute in the field of Cultural and Historical Heritage Organization, Management and Protection; the Institute for PhD Students Training (the PhD School); the Rector’s Office (with its Secretary’s office, Internal Financial Control, Information Security and Labor Safety); the Admissions Department with the Information Centre for Administrative Students’ Service; the Financial and Accounting Department; the Human Resources, Students’ grants and Dormitory Sector; the Scientific Research and International Activity Sector; the Administrative Service Sector; the Labor Safety Sector; the Archives Service; the Publishing House Za Bukvite – O Pismeneh; the Centre for Distance Learning and the Sports Complex. SULSIT has two museum collections – Spirituality and Leadership and Contemporary Bulgarian Spirit.

The educational, research and innovation activities of SULSIT correspond to the best European and world quality standards.