
Decreasing Influence of the Error Due to Acquired Inhomogeneity of Sensors by the Means of Artificial Intelligence

Jotsov, V., O. Kochan, S. Jun. Decreasing Influence of the Error Due to Acquired Inhomogeneity of Sensors by the Means of Artificial Intelligence. // Practical Issues of Intelligent Innovations. V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), Springer, NY Berlin Heidelberg,

Book ISBN: 978-3-319-78436-6 (in print)

NOMINATION - 2015 - Projects

Researchers and experts from UNESCO Chair are involved with high-tech analysis of the European Commission for the development of Strategy for smart specialization, strategy for Open access to research results, the Strategy for IT in education, and more.


Here are someexamples of projects UNESCO Chair has initiated:

APInno - Action Project for Innovation
Erasmus+ Project № 2014-1-BG01-KA203-001561

Two years European project under ERASMUS+ Action K2.