Quality of Education and Challenges in a Digitally Networked World

30-31 October, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
QED'14 proceeding
The workshop is a regional event as a follow-up of:
- the EDUSummIT 2013 Research-informed strategies to address educational challenges in a digitally networked world, October 1-2, Washington, USA and
- International Conference of the UNESCO IITE and UNESCO Chairs UNESCO Chairs Partnership on ICTs Use in Education, June 1-5, St. Petersburg in the frame of XV International Forum: Modern Information society formation – problems, perspectives, innovation approach.
The workshop will be hosted by the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) which is a unique (in Bulgarian context) research and educational interdisciplinary center integrating studies in the library science, digital technologies, cultural and historical heritage.
С финансовата подкрепа на:
и съдействието на
State University of Library Studies and IT, building 2