
H2020 2017

TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments

TETRAMAX, Grant Agreement 761349

Call Reference N°: H2020-ICT-04-2017...

2016 to 2019
Erasmus + LMPI: 
Licence, Master professionnels pour le developpement, l'administration, la gestion, la protection des systemes et reseaux informatiques...
DigiThink: Design thinking for digital innovation
2016 to 2018
Erasmus + Erasmus+ Project DigiThink: Design thinking for digital innovation 2016-1-BG01-KA203-023719

Design thinking crosses the traditional boundaries...

International Online Survey “Academic Reading – Print vs. electronic documents” 2015

International Online Survey “Academic Reading – Print vs. electronic documents” held in the period March-May 2015 in 25 countries. The survey is...

Increasing the capacity of the faculty of teaching professionals at Sofia University in the design, conduct and provide quality electronic distance learning 2015

Increasing the capacity of the faculty of teaching professionals at Sofia University in the design, conduct and provide quality electronic...

International scientific seminar QED'14: The quality of education and the challenges in the digital world 2015

Internal project part-financed by regulation 9: International scientific seminar QED'14: The quality of education and the challenges in the...

Project "Innovative services for access to information in public libraries" 2015

Project "Innovative services for access to information in public libraries", РД-00-249/08.12.2014, Foundation “Global libraries” – Bulgaria and...

APInno - Action Project for Innovation
2015 to 2016
Erasmus +

Erasmus+ K2: Project APInno: APInno - Action Project for Innovation, № 2014-1-BG01-KA203-001561, 2015-2016

The APInno aims at fostering...

Creation of a common ontology for the objects of cultural heritage 2014

Creation of a common ontology for the objects of cultural heritage



PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan
2014 to 2016
TEMPUS TEMPUS - PICTET 2014-2017 EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan

Project is designed for strengthening of the links...